
Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Values of Wheat Pennies and other US Coins

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Yahoo! Mail - denniswaite@yahoo.com: "The EEOC will never help end employment
Because ( 1). mostly white (m)&(f)are employed by "
Subject: [Blk4EeocJustice] EEOC and Employment

The EEOC will never help end employment
Because ( 1). mostly white (m)&(f)are employed by
the Federal agency;
can a all white agency ever convict another of their race or thier neighbor of being discrimenatory ?
heck they can't convict the Klan :

(2). white's see only chain beating and hate
groups as being race hater's all white manufactures and all white county employers are not considered discrimenatory even though they never hire
minority's; such as Cattaraugus county , in N.Y.:
their are over 100,000 employers who deny and reject black americans from employment in america
the land of the free , !!???? free to discrimenate:

(3) EEOC is barred from doing field test to
see if employer
has a pattern of discrimenation this was
another example of republican politician 's protecting business for donations ;

(4). trying to prove discrimenation is the
hardest test known to man in legal mumbo jumbo...without a confession one
of the hardest cases to prove ; largly because
blacks not having any input into how cases should be presented or even a administrative judge of the EEOC office and making it first line of defence and then if not satisfied refering it to a federal
judge for all cases ; the EEOC should know this if they know anything about their job and the people thier sworn to protect ; and that is (a) discrimenation
is a crime just like rape a lot of suffering goes
on inside not just the outside its not like being called a bad name and its not something that people should get use to ; the crime of rape is
punished by jail through the justice system but not discrimenation !!! why those who enforce the laws are just as gulity as those who break it ;
thts another reason for more black /minorities employed in enforcement ;

Discrimenation would end overnight in employment if
employers had something to lose instead of the
worker always loosing

I can't remember in all my life when black men
were ever treated fairly on the job and were never called a racial name and treated the same or equal
as white workers : yet EEOC , finds 954 cases worthy of fighting all the way to court but ignors 85,000
complaints and that had to be only a small portion of the actual number of discrimenation complaints nation wide;
The rest are not employed and never will be unless more blacks are in a position too make better opportunities available to every american ;

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